You need some extra storage space but only for the short-term. When it’s not feasible to purchase shipping containers, consider container hire.

Whether you only need storage while sorting out your office or the home of a relative, or you are looking for budget friendly storage options while you travel the world, there are plenty of reasons to hire a container over purchasing one – we’ve explored those reasons below.

Length of Time Needed

If you only need temporary or short term hire – less than a year or two – it makes sense to hire a container rather than purchase one. Hiring is a more flexible option and essentially allows you to trial run a container style to see if it suits your needs. If it turns out you need that container for a longer period of time, it is easy enough to have it returned and purchase what you need.

Do you require modifications?

If you don’t require any modifications to a container, than hiring is the way to go. If you are still considering whether you will need modifications, hiring is the best option; you can cancel your hire and purchase  containers with the modifications that meet your needs.

Budget friendly options

Hiring storage containers can be a budget friendly option when compared to paying for a storage locker or filling your family and friends homes with your belongings when you go traveling. It is also a great choice for a small business looking for some extra room for a short period of time.

Container hire can be beneficial for both residential and commercial uses giving you the option of additional storage while the flexibility that purchasing doesn’t offer. If you’re looking for container hire in South Australia, organise a quote today.