Is buying a brand new shipping container the next thing on your to-do list? If so, you’ve probably seen the full potential of shipping containers to transform from a simple metal storage box to anything you can think of, be it traditional storage, a small house, garden, or coffee shop!

So what is a shipping container?

A shipping container is a durable metal box that’s used for shipment of goods. This means that they can easily withstand the rough loading and unloading process during shipment. The most popular containers are usually 6.1-12.2 meters long, 2.6-2.9m tall, and about 2.4m wide. Although shipping containers can come in a variety of sizes to suit the purpose of the buyer.

It is important to remember that having a shipping container on your property is often regulated by your local council, and you may need to meet licensing or application fees.

Shipping containers and their cost

Like any other goods, you buy the price of a shipping container depends upon:

  • The state of the container: whether it’s old or brand new.
  • The size of the shipping container you’re willing to buy.
  • The supplier you’re buying it from.

Shipping containers with extra features added, for example ones with side doors, are often more expensive.

If you’re looking to buy a standard size brand new shipping container here are some price ranges you should consider:
6m long (20ft) standard container- $3,800 to $4,100
6m long (20ft) cube container- $4,200 to $4,600
12m long (40ft) cube container- $7,150 to $7,500

Useful Tip: It’s not necessary to look for containers that are deemed cargo worthy unless you’ll actually be using the shipping container for transport of cargo. These are often higher in price.

Where can you buy a brand new shipping container?

There are plenty of places to purchase a brand new shipping container so it’s important to do your research. We do suggest buying from a legitimate business rather than off online marketplaces. A quality supplier of shipping containers can take the time to walk you through the varieties available, ensuring you have one that meets your needs and your budget.

Contact the friendly team at Shipping Containers Adelaide, and let us get you the shipping container to meet your needs.